What is a Monthly Meeting?

Since its inception, the FDHAS has sponsored a “Monthly Meeting” (MM) for members. This is a low keyed, relaxed, gathering open to all members with paid up membership.  For those members who have not paid their membership due to the new year, they can pay at the meeting.

These meetings are held on Sundays during the months that the club does not have a 2-day gun show. Each one is a gathering of individuals and dealers with items for sale or trade.

Tables are available on a first come, first served basis. The MM serves many members who, for personal reasons, cannot set up at our two-day gun show. The meeting last just a few hours, but is filled with friendship, cordiality, buying and selling.

Free coffee and doughnuts at all monthly meetings.

When are monthly meetings held?

Monthly meetings are held the 3rd Sunday of the following months. Members are admitted at 8:30 AM with the public being admitted at 9:00 AM.

  • January
  • March
  • April
  • June
  • August
  • September
  • November

Please Note. Club officers will be present to enforce the following rules:

  1. All club members must have their membership badge easily visible on the outer garment to enter the meeting. It must remain in view at all times during the meeting. If you are caught giving your badge to another person, it will cost you your club membership.
  2. Members enter on a first come, first served basis.
  3. An electrical nylon tie must be applied to each cartridge firearm to render it inoperable. This rule applies to all cartridge firearms whether ammunition is readily available or not and whether it is antique or modern.
  4. All Cartridge Handguns after 1898 must be under glass in a display case.
  5. No loaded firearms are allowed on the premises during the meeting. This includes those with permits to carry.
  6. Non-members are welcomed to attend. Admission time for non-members is 9:00 am. Admission to non-members is a $4.00 donation to this club.
    All Federal, State, and Local Firearms Laws must be obeyed.
  7. Children of all ages are welcome at all of our events. Children 15 and under are admitted free. Please no strollers or small children in infant backpacks.
  8. No cameras allowed. Only official club photographs may be taken.
  9. Any individual caught in theft will be prosecuted by this organization.

Monthly Meeting Location

Palmer Township Fire Company
950 South 27th Street,
Easton, Pennsylvania  18045

Easy unloading and no steps. The facility is well lit and air conditioned during hot weather. Full kitchen staff when needed.

Monthly Meetings Resumed

Our monthly member meetings are returning on March 21 and April 18.
The next monthly meetings is at the Palmer Township Fire Co on Sunday, January 19, 2025. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Free coffee & doughnuts.